If you ever end up with a bad credit rating, it will be hard for you to get approved for future loans or credit cards. You certainly won’t get approved for a home mortgage or equity line of credit either. However, just because you have a bad credit rating, that doesn’t mean it will stay that w[……]
There are always going to be moments in life when we’re presented with money problems. For a lot of people, money problems are a regular part of everyday life. They simply don’t make enough money to cover their bills and live a decent lifestyle. As for people who do make a lot of money, they o[……]
Health studies have concluded that debt can cause a person to feel so depressed that it will have a serious impact on their health. The more they continue to worry about their finances, the more likely that person will suffer physical, emotional, and/or mental issues.
Ever since the 2008 re[……]